Which Mulch do I use around my home?
Have you ever asked yourself which mulch (ground covering) is the best to use?
In these uncertain times of Covid19 with many restrictions in place you are still able to order over the phone with Surrey Hills Garden Supplies mulches for your gardens. All Contactless!
In our local suburbs such as Balwyn North, Blackburn, Canterbury and Kew, large yards are common and there is a fair bit of mulch required to cover a garden bed.
At Surrey Hills garden supplies, we carry 4 types of mulches carried in the bulk bins and we also carry bales of pea straws and red mulch in 60Litre bags.
Our Black midnight mulch is produced from recycled timber. The Longalife® coloured mulches have the added bonus of retaining colour for a substantial period than traditional mulches. It is recommended that coloured mulches are turned over with shovel or pitchfork every 6 weeks. The Black Midnight mulch is purely a decorative mulch and has no fertilising or organic properties.
Our 10 mm pine bark is – Chocolatey-brown nuggets in appearance .. It’s also known as Cottage Bark or Tan Bark. It’s renowned for its ability not to blow or wash away, but still allows airflow to the soil, as well as being excellent at water retention. It is long lasting, has good capacity to absorb and retain moisture. Installation should be to a depth of 100mm for new applications and typically 50-75mm for “top up” installations.
Our 20 mm pine bark is a larger version of the Pine Bark and brown in appearance. 20mm Pine is generally used to cover larger open areas or larger garden beds. It’s also known as Tan Bark. It is long lasting, has good capacity to absorb and retain moisture, and is also extremely low maintenance. Installation should be to a depth of 100mm for new applications and typically 50-75mm for “top up” installations.
Our over ever popular Organic mulch is an organic product It’s also known as Compost or Compost Mulch. Organic Mulch is dark grey to almost black in appearance when moist. The blend comprises of soft garden organics, leaves, small branches that are mulched and aged until mature. Aged super fines, aged saw dust and Urea (Nitrogen Based additive) are also added to the blend. Organic Mulch is great for increasing the level of organic matter for any type of soil, which in turn improves moisture retention, reduces soil erosion and gives slow release of nutrients into the soil. Organic Mulch creates an ideal environment for worms and micro-organisms.
In addition to our mulches at Surrey Hills Garden Supplies, you can also enhance gardens by adding products such as fertilisers. We carry 4 types of manure – Cow manure, sheep manure, poultry manure and dynamic lifter and well as grass seed, grass fertilizers and Charlie carp. Other products that are used in vege patches that we carry are Rally Mulch Matt for weed control, Treated Pine Sleepers, garden stakes, Scoria and Geotextile for drainage assistance.
We also carry items that you may require gardening tools such as weeders, cultivators and trowels, pesticides, garden stakes, weed matt, lime and Dynamic lifter.
No need to leave home as we delivery as little as 1/8” (0.125) of a cubic mtr up to a full large truck full of product, we offer delivery to all surrounding suburbs such as Box Hill, Camberwell, Mont Albert and Balwyn. As a rough guide 1/8” (.1253) is a large barrow worth product.
If you would like help planning and calculating your mulch requirement feel free to contact us at the shop on 9890 3901 or utilise our helpful volume calculator on our website (bottom left hand side of main page) Surrey Hills Garden Supplies
Happy gardening from team at Surrey Hills Garden Supplies.